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Published: 12 Aug 2022

Year 6 Camp Reflections

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On 27 July we left school to go to our Year 6 camp. When we got to camp we sorted out our dorm and unpacked our bags. During our free time we played an ultimate hide and seek.

Then we split up into groups to do different activities. Our first activity was flying fox, what an amazing activity! One of our favourite snacks was next up, Gelato. We then had kite making next, we used these kites in our free time. In the recreation room we had a quiz and game night, and we had a huge BPS Pictionary game. Our team was the winner for both rounds.

It was a terrible idea for the adults to give us donuts right before we had to go to sleep.

The morning wake up was too early for us. The activities we had for the day were catapult building, rock climbing, team building and archery. Another yummy treat we had was icy poles and watermelon slices. 

We will always remember our second dinner, Taco Thursday we called it. That night we had a movie night, and we watched the Karate Kid.  Before we went to bed everybody was saying “wax on, wax off”.  The next day we had more amazing activities like “Geocahing” and “You Can Do It”. One more delicious lunch and it was time for the bus ride home.  

It was a wonderful experience that we will never forget.

Abi Brandes de Roos and Madeleine Bousfield